Board Recruiting

Open positions will advertised in the months preceding the society’s Annual General Meeting.

Board Composition

The Dev Edmonton Board consists of 7 members filling three year terms. Every year at the annual meeting elections will be held for any open positions. Dev Edmonton Society desires to build a board with diverse perspectives that reflect our community.


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Member At Large

Why Join the Board?

There are many great reasons to join the Dev Edmonton Society Board, including but not limited to:

  • Giving back to the community
  • Board Experience
  • Fellowship
  • Networking
  • Having an impact

Key Competencies

DES looks to build a board that, as a collective body, exercises essential competencies. We have identified the following competencies that the board needs to possess.

Visionary: strong belief in our Mission: “Dev Edmonton Society is made up of people who believe that an impactful, diverse, and collaborative developer community enriches us all. We realize this vision by sharing knowledge and ideas, understanding the community and its needs, promoting events and initiatives, and supporting technology meetups and organizations.”

Connector: ability to identify and develop relationships to support our society.

Accountability: To accept responsibility for actions, decisions and policies and to transparently report back to the members of our society as well as knowing our bylaws and procedures.


Board Members

  • Understand the society’s mission and values
  • Act as advocates and ambassadors for the society and be active participants in advancing the society’s mission
  • Prepare for, attend and participate in board meetings
  • Participate in one or more committees
  • 3 Year commitment
  • Provide support for in person events, whether that is helping deliver items to events, being at the door to greet people or working to build a relationship and organization with a company that will allow us to use their building (ex: configuring the door access system)
  • Provide some marketing/social media efforts (especially our newsletter). Note that this doesn't have to be done by a board member, if they are not interested in social media they can delegate to a volunteer to do this
  • Check the slack frequently (at least once every week, or every few days)


  • Member of the Board
  • Serves as the Chief Volunteer of Dev Edmonton
  • Provides leadership to the board
  • Chairs board meetings and is responsible for setting the agenda
  • Monitors financial planning and financial reports
  • Evaluates the performance of the society in achieving its mission
  • Steer the strategic and organizational planning

Vice President

  • Member of the Board
  • Aides President in any of their duties


  • Member of the board
  • Maintains records of the board
  • Takes minutes of board meetings
  • Ensure that the minutes are distributed to members after meetings
  • Is familiar with the society’s by-laws and raise applicable by-laws when appropriate


  • Member of the board
  • Manages finances of the organization
  • Financial background
  • Balances the bank accounts
  • Yearly financial statement submitted to the board for approval